Nathan is regularly engaged by professional sporting teams, National and State sport institutes, sub-elite sporting clubs and the Australia Strength and Conditioning Association to provide his Strength and Conditioning and Sport Science expertise to review current practices, provide program recommendations and educate both established and aspiring coaches and practicioners. As such, Nathan has vast experience delivering a wide variety of conditioning presentations which improve the attendees ability to not only understand the underpinning theory but practically apply it with their respective sports and athletes.
The second workshop, High Intensity Interval Training & Conditioning Prescription covered the following content:
– Aerobic fitness testing recap
– Conditioning methods to improve aerobic fitness (continuous, fartlek & high intensity interval training)
– HIIT prescription (mode, intensity, volume, recovery type & W:R ratio)
– Using Maximal Aerobic Speed to prescribe HIIT
– Short Aerobic HIIT prescription using MAS
– Short Supramaximal HIIT prescription using MAS
– Short Anaerobic HIIT prescription using MAS
– HIIT interventions & case studies
The workshop was delivered via Zoom and spanned 90 minutes. I hope you enjoy the workshop as much as I did recording it.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions and/or queries pertaining to the second workshop.
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